请英语高手来帮忙翻译下这个。 万分感谢啊~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:25:16
我也有一份信仰,我相信冥冥之中一定有什么东西在保护着我。比如我害怕的时候,我会默默的安慰自己,不会有事的 。比如我伤心难过的时候,我也会安慰自己, 一切都会慢慢变好的。 我觉得这份信仰帮助我度过了很多难关 。

I think religion belief is merely a kind of spiritual attachment, which provides people with a emotional shelter after all the hustle and rustle in life. Neither God or Buddha might really exist, nor does soul really exist after death. But I'd rather believe the existance of those omnipotence. Because when the time comes that I am lost or I need to pray, I can fall back on them, pleading for strength and hope.

That said, I think there is no guilt of having religious belief. however we have to draw a line, not missteping into something like...

I as well hold onto my own belief. I believe in the unfathomable unknownness, there is something being my guardian. When I have fear, I'll silently tell myself that everything will be fine; when i am sad, i'll persuade myself that things will get better. This sort of belief hold me through lots of hard time.

Overall, religious belief is of good value in a way.

I think religion is a spirit of f