急啊 大家帮帮忙翻译啊!!后天就要交了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 13:43:27
语言的相互借鉴可丰富两种语言的表现力。汉语中已融入了许多由英语直译过来的“洋味”很浓的词语。从英文的角度来说,西方人也乐意收集一些他们没有的异域表达法。比如“像同一个笼子里的公鸡”直译成英文like two cocks in the same cage是能被英美读者接受的,如再加上一句地道的英文you’ll see the flying feathers, 中文的含意是“肯定会血战到鸡毛横飞”,那么就更加形象逼真了。又如“竭泽而鱼”是译成to drain the pond in order to get all the fish,还是采用对应英文的成语to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs为好,笔者认为前者更为贴切。虽然它表面上似乎丢失了一点“洋气”,但能体现该成语那具有浓郁汉语特色的“本土味”。

Borrow ideas from each other could strengthen both langues' expressivity. Chinese contains lots of words which were construed from English. Speaking from the English angle, Western people would love to collect some expressions from other areas. For example, this sentence"像同一个笼子里的公鸡”would be translated as "like two cocks in the same cage" ,and that is acceptable to English readers. And added with "you’ll see the flying feathers", which means “肯定会血战到鸡毛横飞",the whole sentence would be so vivid. And again, “竭泽而鱼”could be translated as "to drain the pond in order to get all the fish" or "to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs". I think the former is more appropriate. Although it is a little bit of lack of "foreign flavor", it manifests a strong sense of characters of Chinese idiom.