
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 15:34:19
For another,the boom of many works and relevant policies provided citizens with more opportunities to make a trip.请问,我要表达的意思是,另一方面,行业的繁荣和相关的政策提供给市民更多的机会除外旅行。请问我这样写有问题吗?谢谢。

the boom of many works 容易被误解为 “烟花的爆鸣声”
make a trip 建议改为 go out for a trip

On the other hand, the booming of various businesses and relevent policies provides citizens with more opportunities to go for a trip.

其他我不清楚 另一方面应该用 on the other hand