帮我分析一下改错题 已有答案

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 13:56:12
帮分析一下为什么要这样改 谢谢

I didn’t mean to write to bother you again.However ,I think there are something very important that you must know about it.He’s always ready to have a hard time ,and has suffered many kinds of pains and difficulties.

1.I think there are something 中的are 改为is
2.you must know about it 删去 it
3. He’s always ready to have a hard time ,and has suffered many kinds of pains and difficulties.
这一句,前面用的是is always ,中间用and连接 ,后面用has suffered.不是说and连接的并列句要保持前后时态一致的吗?

1.something是不定代词,谓语动词用第三人称单数,所以用there is
2.there is something very important that you must know about中的that you must know about是定语从句,that作为先行词代指前面的something,将先行词带到句子中去是you must know about something,如果about后面再加上it这句话就不成句子。
3.and连接的两个分句时态一致不是说前面是一般现在时后面也必须是一般现在时,而是保持都是现在时。he's 是he is为一般现在时,后面也要用现在时,故用现在完成时态 has suffered。而且也要看句子的意思来填,这句是说“他时刻为经历困难做着准备,而且已经经历了各种各样的痛苦和困难”。

1.something 是不定代词,按第三称单数处理,there be 句型是就近原则,因此用is.
2.这是一个定语从句,you前的that定语从句中about的宾语,实际上句子是you must know about something.有宾语,再加it就重复了.
3.and前后只要保持时间上的一致即可,即现在时的各种时态(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时)可以同时出现,类似的,过去时间的各种时态也是一样的.He's 是he is(一般现在时)的缩写,与has suffered(现在完成时)不矛盾.

1 something是代词某事, 某物,只用单数

2 that you must know about it.it就是that,所以删
I think you must know about something very important.THAT引导一个修饰something的定语从句

3 He’s always ready to have a hard time ,and has suffered many kinds of pains and difficulties.