
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 01:56:02
I haven't decided if_________________?

是Can you tell me what's the weather like tomorrow?
还是Can you tell me what will the weather be like tomorrow?

if i should tell him this bad new

if I should tell him this bad news


Can you tell me what will the weather be like tomorrow

tell him the bad news
Can you tell me what's the weather like tomorrow?

Can you tell me what will the weather be like tomorrow ,if i should tell him this bad new的广泛的个vfdvbxbvxcbvc 专练).mht [?ft^???N
Y`N?嬚lNy桨脋`N槝?j氻嬑N錝猆Sy?愰b獦?N脋 ? .mht 鸲鸤?F-鼅T应%?/?濔$>EH&箹唳X儚缧?[硢,k??dW{?c?)夃塌H?戴?F酬跄D1?v揻!欛 ?络 %f??Z瑗R赘h?芸?L?d%捯e+鳱媊
2捠?譈橥e?氚e??冁?佲p荞m?s2潍畼襞?私?z頟j 0dQ莔?堳P,?b]鳁砅?舝音.蠚羄)@*Z0?p?&m?萒堩缃?uD??L笹鞯:沭 ?*?? 5tVKボ硰?р繱淲驴蒇7]l#焤込~樕E??HL訑ヶ1j?$鐼v壝}`震#叹&瑦匰踪O枟5祡 .'唯?
??渘?? 圃q? (?焞S鸈??鍕寔??
G?((*輷偐緛}(~+徱?0?F岮??坍g愙{(3€? T镖耖n[扑誔梭?jIJ莿w韼晄聥 婌郇|S瓗$豗珍豙u∏M擑袒U搉鉥汓澡乐1胾抍NZ4櫲 旞l霙?穅o ?喗缃呞3豞?箉?b损 ?耂hol埌亜两鷜嚤?s?+Q捘 J橷U鑆
(c?鐆K?uo?0礩??耨fW絩Y蒭翉L"RM€?愹?龀缹?渃 楱Y跪!?貛?楠o ?0AIZ?萠﨓&瑁y?'礔r良Z1蓕莥J?5?氎垄烹HJn桬?s ?Q],|娍缔+t?? ?y磮Plk?t???殇s%纥秪崎趺鈅潃d?????@惏絯