
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 02:33:38



Internet is a public-oriented social organizations. Tens of thousands of people around the world can use the Internet for information exchange and sharing of resources. And there are tens of thousands of people voluntarily spend their time and energy for their hard work like ants, the structure of all mankind by a common Internet and allow others to share the fruits of their labor. Reflects the Internet of All human beings are selfless spirit of the Internet also make people better learn how to live together peacefully.

The Internet is the first in the history of human society world-wide library and a global forum. No one, no matter from anywhere in the world, at any time, he (she) can take part, the Internet will never be closed. Moreover, no matter who you are, you are always welcome. You will not be because of different color, different wear and different religious beliefs have been squeezed out. In today's world, not only national boundaries, no discrimination,