
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 00:46:26
在“丑女无敌 ”这部电影中,她由于外貌的原因,每次面试都以失败告终,一头蓬乱的头发,类似七八十年代的宽大外衣,架上一副傻傻的大眼镜,最厉害的是还带着一个更傻的牙套,就连女人看了都不会看第二眼,更何况对女人比较挑剔的男人。然而,林无敌却以自己的可爱的性格,真诚的心灵,以及过硬的知识财富,专业素质,征服了这个美女如云的公司,征服了围绕在女人圈里的男人--费得南。并帮助他在自己的职位上如鱼得水,勇渡难关,坐稳了自己总裁的位子。

In “clown female invincible” in this movie, she as a result of the appearance reason, each time interviews is defeated comes to an end, a dishevelled hair, similar 70-80 age spacious coat, on frame silly big eyeglasses, what is fiercest is also bringing a sillier tooth socket, the woman will look will not look at second, much less to woman quite nitpicking man. However, forest invincible actually by own lovable disposition, the sincere mind, as well as the perfect knowledge wealth, the specialized quality, has conquered this beautiful woman like cloud company, has conquered regarding in the woman encircles the man--Spends south. And helps him in own position like a fish in water, tides over the difficulty bravely, has held on to your hat oneself President's seat.


In “clown female invincible” in this movie, she as a result of the appearance reason, each time interviews is defeated comes to an end, a dishevelled hair, similar 70-80 age spacious coat, on frame