
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:46:34

•米勒尔• Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway l899 ~ 1961) American novelist. 1954 year's Nobel laureates in literature, "news" in the novel's co-founder.
Life and Creation. Hemingway as a "lost generation" representatives. Novel "The Sun Also Rises" for the "Lost Generation" reflected. Anti-war novel "A Farewell to Arms." 30 era of political enthusiasm. Creation of the Spanish theme. Novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls," the ideological content. Novella "Old Man and the Sea," the ideological significance. Novels "硬汉子" spirit. Symbolism in the novel. Hemingway's old age. His writing style can be used the tip of a general principle.
"A Farewell to Arms." Story outline. The theme of the novel ideas. Henry's image. Catherine's image. Other characters. Imperialist wars of the criticism and affirmation of personal happiness. Bourgeois ideology of the traditional norm