八年级上U6 the taiwan earthquake 的课文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 12:03:54

The Taiwan earthquake Timmy was one of the luckiest men in the world. One afternoon, in 1999,while he was in a ________ ______, a terrible earthquake happened. At first ,he felt a slight _______ through his body, then he heard a big noise like ______. People looked at each other ___ ____. Some children ________ because they were frightened. Then real noise began, like _____ below the ground. People ran ___ ___ _______. Pieces of glass and bricks _____ _____ and the walls began to _____ _____too! Timmy tried his best to ____ ___ ____ the street. After the noise and shaking ended, he found he ____ ______. He felt afraid but he tried to ____ ____ since he was still alive. He had a packet of _______but he didn’t eat it all because he knew he might be there ___ __ ____ ____. When he heard some noise above him, he screamed for help. People heard his scream and hurried to ____ _____the bricks and stones. He was saved at last.

The Taiwan earthquake
I was doing some shopping when