
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:32:49
在过去的十几年里,许多动物灭绝了(die out)
汶川地震后的灾区人民正得到全国人民的帮助(suffer from)

The number of whale decreses sharply this year.
Many species have died out in the past decades.
The people suffering from the earthquake in Wenchuan are getting help from people throughout the country.

1.this year the number of wheals decreases quickly.
2.in the past of about ten years ,many animals died out.
3. 第三句我不知道怎么翻译,suffer from是从。。。遭受痛苦。的意思,那这个话的中心应该是得到帮助吧。那不能用suffer from

1.The number of whale decreses sharply this year.
2。Many species have died out in the past decades.
3。楼上回答的有问题 地震是过去完成的事情了 你用现分做伴状做什么?应该用现完或者过完
The people who have suffered from the earthquake in WenChuan are getting help from the people all over the country