
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 07:25:20
明天就要参加比赛了,自己写的稿子还是有些不放心,感觉有点走题,希望能从大家这里得到些提示~~~~谢谢大家,如果答案好,我可以追加分数的,题目就是global financial crisis ---chance or challenge 在线等~~~~速度~(我是一名大学生。。。)3Q

Bush to Push Free Trade at Upcoming Economic Summit

U.S. President George Bush talked Saturday about the agenda for next month's international economic summit at the White House.


President Bush devoted his weekly radio address to previewing his meeting with other leaders of the so-called Group of 20 nations on the global economic crisis.


"During the summit we will discuss the causes of the problems in our financial systems, review the progress being made to address the current crisis, and begin developing principles of reform for regulatory bodies in institutions related to our financial sectors," he said.


Earlier in the week, Mr. Bush invited leaders of wealthy nations and the heads of major developi