
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 12:43:23
有些家长为了全力营造学习氛围 将孩子的房间全部武装 如:墙上张贴上学士服的图片 太扥石桌等统统设计成学士帽造型等等 对此学生意见很大 为了帮助双方沟通 某学校就此在家长与同学间组织了一场辩论 结论如下
主要内容:家长想营造积极向上的学习氛围 认为学习环境对于学生影响很大 不容忽视
学生认为这会造成过大的心理压力 会导致某些同学的厌学情绪
请结合自己的看法 给某英文报编辑写一封信 反应这一情况

It is very strange that I can finish my homework in school quickly and efficiently. Mostly I can finish my homework in thirty minutes in school with my classmates. But I need at least one hour to make it at home. I think it is the learning atmosphere. In school there are many students study with me. The learning atmosphere is good. But when I study at home, there are many things will attract me from study, because there is only me doing homework. So I get the conclusion that learning atmosphere is very important.