
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 15:16:07
是babi酒吧里的 开头是唱特里提特里提特里提 中间有句i'm dream about

还有later you can see......


see you later歌词,LRC歌词下载-在线听歌,免费下载MP3
搜索"can i get a hit"mp3 ... you know, motherfuckers need to have some weed etiquete ... you see, motherfuckers try to come up and bogard your weed ... then when you see 'em later smokin they own stash .....
www.thd8.com/mp3/lrc.asp?song=see you lat

是不是Dan Hartman的《I can dream about you》,搜搜看