
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 10:46:09
l am writing for you about l got a prize that l have attended a newspaper conpetition from your newspaper office.New l want know what happenning why don't l still receive it .This prize is so significant to me.so l want geting it and hope you could to address this problems as soon as possible .

l am student from Guang zhou University which the major is mould .Firlt of all, l am happy that l can attended this nowspaper competition and got this prize .It is very important to me ,meanwhile l am proud since l have got it of this prize .Because it had taken more time in this aspects and l more wish you go to chect for mising and made a mistake.

l appreciate if you could to address this aspect of why happen and sent its to me as soon as possible .

l am looking for your letter and prize at your earlier convenience.

LZ,建议你先回去看几篇范文,不是所谓的摸板,再开始动手写. 情况比较严重,表达比较混乱,而且不符合英语书信的表达习惯.


这是移民类雅思吧. 写这类routine letter 都有固定的格式的.开头应该说明你写这封信的原因,第二段详细描述事情的原因始末,最后提出你的希望/要求,并且留下联系方式. 最后的问好,落款也要有.
