
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 08:15:11
第一篇:No Evidence Housework Improves Health做家务对身体健康并没有好处
第二篇:玩电脑游戏的好处。 (调查显示,经常玩游戏的人,反应和灵敏度要比不玩游戏的人好的多)




No Evidence Housework It's exhausting, time consuming and although it counts as physical activity, housework does not improve health or help to shed those excess pounds, British researchers said Wednesday.
Brisk walking is a much healthier option and a better way to keep fit than mopping floors, dusting and cleaning windows, particularly for older women between the ages of 60-79.
"Older women need to be doing more physical activity. Housework probably does cut the mustard," said Dr. Shah Ebrahim, an epidemiologist and expert on aging at the University of Bristol, in southwestern England.
But Ebrahim and his colleagues said although housework requires physical activity it does not seem to have any health benefits.
In a survey of more than 2,300 elderly women in Britain, 10 percent said they enjoyed brisk walking, one percent did more than 2.5 hours of gardening a week and more than half reported doing heavy housework.
"When we look at