
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 17:30:36

摘 要:统计学被列为财经类专业本专科专业的必修核心课程之一。其教学面临诸多挑战,应当顺应统计学教学的发展趋势,将统计学和计算机技术有机地结合起来,运用EXCEL的有关功能对教学内容、教学方法、考试方法进行改革。


进入21世纪,随着我国市场化步伐的加快,社会对新知识的需求日益增加, 无论是国民经济管理,还是公司企业乃至个人的经营、投资决策,都越来越依赖于数量分析,依赖于统计方法,统计方法已成为管理、经贸、金融等许多学科领域科学研究的重要方法。教育部也将《统计学》课程列为财经类专业本、专科专业的核心必修课程之一。力图通过《统计学》的学习,使学生掌握探索各学科内在的数量规律性,并用这种规律性的解释来研究各学科内在的规律。同时,由于统计学所倡导的尊重客观实事,通过调查研究用实事说话,这也有利于培养学生的实事求是的学习、工作和科学研究精神。

University Teaching Statistics

Abstract: The statistics are classified as financial and economic specialist in this type of professional expertise required one of the core curriculum. His teaching is facing many challenges, it should conform to the teaching of statistical trends, statistics and computer technology to combine the use of the EXCEL-related features on the contents and methods of teaching and examination methods of reform.

Key words: statistics; teaching mode; EXCEL

In the 21st century, with the acceleration of market-oriented society in the new knowledge is an increasing demand of both the management of the national economy, and whether or not the operation of enterprises and even individuals, investment decision-making, are increasingly dependent on the number of analysis, depend on Statistical methods, statistical methods have become management, economy, trade, financial and many other important areas of scientific research methods