翻译JAVA 正确着追加高分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 01:52:37
The managed-bean-name element defines the key under which the bean will be stored in a scope. For a component’s value to map to this bean, the component tag’s value attribute must match the managed-bean-name up to the first period. For example, this value expression maps to the shape property of the ImageArea instance, NA:

value="#{NA.shape}"The part before the period (.) matches the managed-bean-name of ImageArea. Adding UI Components to a Page Using the HTML Component Tags has more examples of using the value attribute to bind components to bean properties.

The managed-bean-class element defines the fully qualified name of the JavaBeans component class used to instantiate the bean. It is the application developer’s responsibility to ensure that the class complies with the configuration of the bean in the application configuration resource file. This includes making sure that the types of the properties in the bean match those configured for the bean in


" # { NA.shape价值”部分的前震荡(.)符合managed-bean-name ImageArea的。添加到一个页面,利用界面部件组成的HTML标签有更多的例子使用价值属性绑定组件豆性质。
