
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 07:40:26
Take a closer look at our milk
Chinese have begun reexamining the milk they drink,due to the recent milk powder scandal.Many domestic milk products have been tainted with melamine,a chemical that makes watered milk appear rich in protein.
Although milk is not a traditional diet of Chinese,the consumption of milk has been growing steadily in the past decade in China.A recent survey by Life Times,a health weekly,found that 68 percent of people surveyed“often”or“sometimes”drink milk.
By 2006,Chinese people drank an average of 25kg of milk a person each year,said Pan Peilei,a Chinese official with the International Dairy Federation.
Zeng Shouying, a professor at the Food Science and Technology College of Nanjing Agriculture University,believes Chinese should learn to pick the best milk from the varieties that fill store shelves.
“Good milk should be natural,without added ingredients,and fresh,”said Zeng in an article on China Food-Tech.com.“Milk that has been steri

曾Shouying ,教授,食品科学与技术学院南京农业大学,认为中国应该学会选择最好的牛奶品种,填补了商店的货架。
“好牛奶应该自然,无添加成分,新鲜,说: ”曾在一篇文章对我国粮食Tech.com 。 “牛奶已消毒杀菌是最好的。 ”
他的评论是指牛奶已灭菌温度在80度centigrade.Most如果牛奶的营养价值,其中包括钙,是保存完好,在此process.However ,只能储存在冰箱amaximum如果7天。
国家标准说,这是唯一的扭结的牛奶,可标示为“鲜牛奶” 。大约百分之九十的牛奶,一份报告说,由上海奶业协会2007.However ,在我国,市场主导的所谓“纯牛奶。
这种灭菌奶一直在温度高达137摄氏度centigrade.Some营养素,如维生素A和维生素D ,是失去了在如此高temperatures.But “纯牛奶”可以保存多达45天,它不必存储在一台冰箱。
的24个批次的奶粉是没有国家测试三聚氰胺上周,三名被分别标为“纯牛奶” 。否“新鲜牛奶”样本未能通过测试。
黄之超,一名初级国际贸易主要在中山大学,经常喝的“纯牛奶” ,即使是健康的新鲜牛奶。
“我的校园商店往往是小国,和他们没有鲜牛奶, ” the20岁的老人说。 “像我的许多朋友,我oftenbuy几个塑料袋每个time.It足以为一个星期。 ”