
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:22:53
根据以下提纲写一封80词的回信: 假设你的朋友 Tom 给你写来一封信,打算来你所在的城市度假,你给 Tom 回一封信,对他的到来表示欢迎,你会抽空陪他,请他买好了飞机票就告知你,你会去机场接他。信的具体内容自由发挥,注意信件写作的格式。

Dear Tom,

Warmly welcome your visiting to our city for your vacation. I’m sure you’ll have a good time from our city’s featured culture, beautiful sceneries, delicious food and friendly folks. And it'll be my great pleasure to be your guide here.

I’ll make the arrangement for your accommodation, so, please inform me your exact arrival time after you get your air ticket. I'll meet you at the air-port.

Looking forward to talk to you face to face soon!

Best Regards,