
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 10:17:04

There are two main types of glaciers: alpine glaciers, which are found in mountain terrains, and continental glaciers-ice sheets, which can cover larger areas. Most of the concepts in this article apply equally to alpine glaciers and continental glaciers. Glaciers are also categorized by thermal characteristics, climate setting, and behavior.

The largest glaciers are Ice sheets, enormous masses of ice that are not visibly affected by the landscape and that cover the entire surface beneath them, except possibly on the margins where they are thinnest. Antarctica and Greenland are the only places where continental ice sheets currently exist. These regions contain vast quantities of fresh water. The volume of ice is so large that if the Greenland ice sheet melted, it would cause sea levels to rise some six meters (20 ft) all around the world. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, sea levels would rise up to 65 meters (210 ft)[2]. These ice sheets are further divided into section