
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 15:50:01
US limits using of Chinese computers
Updated: 2006-05-19 10:27
The US State Department, out of ungrounded security concerns after its purchase of computers from a Chinese company, will not use the equipment for classified information, the agency said on Thursday.
Government security experts are recommending that the nearly 16,000 computers purchased last fall from China's Lenovo Group Ltd. "be utilized on unclassified systems only," said Assistant Secretary of State Richard Griffin in a letter to Congress.
The letter did not specifically cite security concerns with Lenovo. But it said that the department was altering its procurement process "in light of the changing ownership of IT (information technology) equipment providers."
The State Department took the action on the $13 million contract after questions were raised recently about the computers by Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican who oversees the agency's f

美国华人电脑使用限制 (路透社) 最新:06年5月19日10时27分 美国国务院出于安全考虑在购买电脑后,由中国公司不会使用设备机密资料,该机构说,在星期四. 政府安全专家建议购买近16000电脑从去年秋天中国联想集团有限公司"将使用系统唯一的非机密",说的助理国务卿理查德坚写信给国会. 信中并没有具体的安全问题,以联想. 但表示,该署已改变采购"随它拥有的设备供应商(信息技术)" 国务院采取行动$1300万的合同后,就有人问最近的计算机Rep.FrankWolf,共和党弗吉尼亚人监督机构的资金. "我深感不安,知道新电脑购买来自中国的公司,至少有900人已形成拟用作为评定的网络部署在美国和世界各地的大使馆和领事馆,"沃尔夫说. 但联想表示,美国政府不关心. "我们知道,这本没有计算机安全风险,因为他们没有走后门,没有监视软件安装,"卡莱尔说,Jeff,联想的副总裁的关系. 沃尔夫是一个中国人,他经常说,中国公司与北京争取美国政府不应合同. 自九一一事件以来,越来越多的美国国会一些怀疑外国公司参与美国商业.