
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 13:40:33

except 和 besides

except prep. 除…之外 (不包含该介词的宾语在内)

We go to school every day except Sunday. (星期日不上学)

besides prep. 除…之外还有(包含该介词的宾语在内)

We go to school every day besides Sunday. (星期日也要上学)

besides 表示递进
Besides these paintings, we also bought some cards.(买了卡片,也买了卡)
另外,与besides含义类似的词组有:in addition to , as well as, apart from

except 表示排除
We went there except him. (我们去了,他没去)

besides是除了什么之外还有的意思,比如we will all go to the park besides me.是我们大家都去公园。而except是除了什么之外没有,比如we will all go to the park except me.是除了我之外大家都去公园。

Everybody's here except Tom. 除了Tom,大家都来了。

Besides apples, we also bought some oranges. 我们不光买了苹果,还买了橘子。

beside studying,I play football.
I do everything except playing football.

besides=A+B except=A-B