
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 20:16:30

The Merchant of Venice "Book
Used to see Shakespeare's tragedy, I occasionally change stomach, to appreciate what he has written comedy, but also quite tasty. Last week, I read books written by Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and I feel that the value of friendship. Hero Antonio Basaniao young people between the nobility and the sincere friendship, to face the test of life and death, their friendship appears to be more selfless. "The Merchant of Venice" and other Shakespeare plays, the performance of his life's love, and longing for youth. I think this script interesting twists and turns of the plot, filled with a very strong comedy, but also reflects the life of Shakespeare himself optimistic, cheerful character. There is a play not only hateful but also people's sympathy for the characters, he called Shylock is a Jew, the loan-sharking. He inexcusable insatiable, but he is also a subject of discri

《威尼斯商人》通常被认为是莎翁的悲剧,我偶然转换了一下胃口,想拜读一下他的喜剧,同样也很耐人寻味。上周,我拜读了莎翁的《威尼斯商人》,并且认识到了友谊的珍贵。主角是年轻人安东尼·贝森尼奥,徘徊于权势与真挚的友谊之间,面对着生与死的考验。他们之间的友谊是无私的。《威尼斯商人》和莎翁其他的作品,展示了他一生的爱,和 对青春的追求。 I我认为这部悲剧作品中贯穿着有趣的情节,但仍然展示了莎翁自己的消极生活,和感性的个性。这样一部作品里,人们深深感受到同情和愤怒。这个主角叫做 夏洛克,是一个犹太人,放高利贷。他因为歧视犹太人,被起诉。他反对犹太人,他所说的这句话,深深触动了我:“犹太人没有眼睛,没有胳膊,没有面部特征。

没法翻译下去了 ,全是中国是英语,语法也不对啊。




The Merchant of Venice "Book
威尼斯商人 "书 (?此处不全吧?感觉不通呀)
Used to see Shakespeare's tragedy, I occasionally change stomach, to appreciate what he has written comedy, but also quite tasty. Last week, I read books written by Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and I feel that the value of friendship.

Hero Antonio Basaniao young people between the nobility and the sincere friendship, to