
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 17:37:36
请问tna的suicide是什么人???连极为恐怖的AWESOME KONG见到他就怕怕的????史上除了gail kim赢过AWESOME KONG外,还有没有人赢过她啊,这个女的太恐怖了!!!

Wrestler: SUICIDE
Real Name: Franklin Edward Kazarian
Birthday: August 4, 1977
Hometown: Once lived in Massachusetts
Moved to Palm Springs, California
Marital Status:
Height & Weight: 6'1" - 215 lbs
Trained by: Killer Kowalski
Debut: 1997
Previous Gimmicks: Frankie "The Future" Kazarian

Kazarian (TNA)
Kaz (TNA)

Finishing Move: The Tazmission (So-Cal)
Wave of the Future

Flux Capacitator (Moonsault Sidewalk Slam)
One-Man Spanish Fly (aka Flux Capacitor)

Favorite Moves: The Future Shock
Back to the Future
Slingshot DDT
German Suplex
Jumping Kick
Neckbreaker into DDT
Slingshot Leg Drop
The Spinkick

Snap Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Springboard Twisting Leg Drop
Springboard Back Elbow Smash
Back to the Future (Bridging Wristlock Electric Chair Drop)

Notable Feuds: The Balla