
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 01:19:22
A bleary dusk is descending on Beijing's Haidian district,and four lanes of taxis,fume-belching diesel trucks and the occasional horse-drawn cart are snarled in bumper-to-bumper gridlock.suddenly ,on a bicycle path running parallel to the main road,a silver Toyota Celica shifts into high gear and races past the river of red brake lights.HanHan,as usual,has found a shortcut,and as he careens past the mao-jacketed grannies pedaling home,he pauses for a moment of self-reflection."In china today,there are many different paths to fulfillment,"he says,adjusting his sunglasses and narrowly averting a pedicab piled high with computer parts."there is no reason to stay on the normal,boring road when there are so many other ways to do things.


模糊不清 黄昏是降的北京海淀区, 4个车道的出租车,烟,嗳气柴油卡车和偶尔乘坐马车是咆哮着的保险杠对保险杠 ,在自行车道平行运行的主要道路,银色丰田转移到高的渔具和比赛过去河流的红色制动灯韩寒像往常一样,已经找到了一条捷径,因为他过去的修理 茂套老奶奶踏板主页,他停顿了一会儿自我反思。 “当前我国,有许多不同的路径来实现, ”他说,调整他的墨镜和狭义避免三轮车堆高的电脑零件。 “没有任何理由继续留在正常的,无聊的道路时,有这么许多其他方式做..