英文信 由于订货量大要推迟4至5周.表达歉意.希望得到更多的定单

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 07:20:42
跪求英文信 内容: 不能及时供货 感谢对方7月29日来信订购望远镜,由于订货量大要推迟4至5周.表达歉意.希望得到更多的定单

Thank you very much for the booking sheet for telescope on 29th July.I am very sorry to inform you that as a result of overwhelming purchasing quantity, the delivery of goods may be delayed by 4,or 5 weeks. We will try our best to speed up the phase. We are sorry for all inconvenience caused. We look forward to further cooperation in the future.