why does the government deduct my red bag?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 06:53:52
when I woke up,I suddently found my salary
decrease by 40 percent.Usually the government
will give every disable a certain amount of
premium as a red bag for the spring holiday.
But this time was exception,I wonder why
they do these for the disables,is this because
the credit crunch or economic crunch originated
from USA which has stolen a great amount of
money from China which has already lost billions
of billions of dollars in this crisis.If only
they gave the money to the Chinese people in
stead of fattening Americans.They lost there
and gained here.It's unfair.There are proverties
which still exist in rural arean,a lot of
people haven't solved the eating problems,
so many youngsters failed in schooling because
of lacking of money.why they are so cruel that
they dare cut the salary of disables.that's
injust. I protest!


红包好像不是red bag ,是grey money 因为在国外没有这个习俗,grey money表示灰色收入,偶感觉在你的短文里可以叫gift money

当我一觉睡醒时,突然发现自己的薪水减少了40%。通常,政府会发放补贴给每个disable作为春节的红包。但这次例外,我疑惑政府为何要这么对待disables。难道是因为发生在美国的 令中国流失了大量资金的 信贷危机和经济危机?如果可以政府能只出钱救济中国人民而不是养肥美国人。他们这么做得不偿失,是不公平的。仍然生活在农村的人民是最好的例子了。他们温饱问题得不到解决,小孩因贫穷而失去了上学的机会。为什么他们竟然如此残忍地削减我们的薪水?这是有充分理据的。我抗议!

残疾人士是the disabled
失业者是the unemployed