
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:17:09

I feel under the presure when I came into Grade 9

  1. Into the third, I feel a lot of pressure to learn。

  2. 进入初三翻译成Into the third。

  3. 我觉得学习压力很大翻译成I feel a lot of pressure to learn。


The pressure of study makes me can't breath as to be student in Gread 3 middle school

这些人翻译简直是误人子弟... 匿名的那个明显时态错误, 另一个, 翻译的句子明显头重脚轻,而且还冗长.
I feel under great pressure when I come into ninth grade.

After coming into the Junior 3, I'm feeling under great pressure in study.