
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 22:01:54

迪斯尼3D巨作《Wall·E 机器人总动员》电影原声

专辑名称:WALL·E 机器人总动员
艺 术 家:Thomas Newman等
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records

1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
2. 2815 A.D.- Thomas Newman
3. Wall-E - Thomas Newman
4. The Spaceship - Thomas Newman
5. EVE - Thomas Newman
6. Thrust - Thomas Newman
7. Bubble Wrap - Thomas Newman
8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
9. Eye Surgery - Thomas Newman
10. Worry Wait - Thomas Newman
11. First Date - Thomas Newman
12. Eve Retrieve - Thomas Newman
13. The Axiom - Thomas Newman
14. BNL - Thomas Newman
15. Foreign Contaminant - Thomas Newman
16. Repair Ward - Thomas Newman
17. 72 Degrees and Sunny - Thomas Newman
18. Typing Bot - Thomas Newman
19. Septuacentennial - Thomas Newman
20. Gopher - Thomas Newman
21. Wall-E's Pod Adventur