Ron played badly,but for the first time since the accident,he stopped feeling sorry for himself.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 03:29:33
Ron played badly,but for the first time since the accident,he stopped feeling sorry for himself.翻译
谢谢帮助翻译并讲解该句型,回答好可以追分。 这是书上的句子。上文说他有个篮球梦,但突然遭遇车祸导致残疾。然后在康复中心遇到一个残疾人篮球队教练并请他加入球队。

Ron 过去表现的不好,但事故之后,他第一次停止自怨自艾

but 连接两个句子,for the first time since the accident是时间状语

RON 表现得不好,但他在事故的第一时间开始不再为自己感到不平.

stop doing 停止做某事
stop to do停下来去干某事

Ron played badly, but he stopped feeling sorry for himself for the first time since the accident.
since虽然有自从的意思, 但在这里翻译成“因为”更合适。