
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 05:29:39
What can advisors do? Even though most academic advisors are not professional counselors, they are in positions to notice that a student may be experiencing stress, or something more challenging. Advisors should not attempt to provide therapy to students but should use their excellent communication and observation skills to refer to those who can assist students. Advisors should be well acquainted with the campus mental health counselors (or, if services are community based, know how to refer). While respecting student privacy, advisors can communicate with faculty members or residence life staff about their concerns. General comments regarding a student's sudden change in motivation, for example, can be shared with a hall director although specific information about grades cannot be shared due to FERPA privacy guidelines.

Colleges and universities should have information, such as counseling center location and hours, available to students 24/7 on the institution's


学校应该给出一些相关信息,比如象咨询中心的位置和工作时间等等,并且放在自己的主页上以便学生(全天24小时)查询这些信息。奥斯丁的德克萨斯大学的一个网站就是个很好的例子,这足以证明:明确的政策和程序是十分重要的。Kitzrow (在2003年)建议所有的学校职工要利用好教员培训的机会并在教学工作中注意搜集那些有心理健康问题和(或)缺陷学生的相关信息。发现和调查学生们遇到的烦恼是辅导员能作的最好的工作之一。

hall director:也叫Residence hall director,Hall Coordinators (HCs), Hall Directors (HDs), Resident Directors (RDs), Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs), or Residence Hall Coordinators (RHCs).是学校聘请的全天候管理协调宿舍寝室的工作人员。

academic advisors:英美这些国家大学里会按人数安排一个academic advisor,这类人和中国的辅导员相似,但是管的没我们这样多,也没那样主动和频繁。但是我看了国内的论文里,都将中国的辅导员翻译成这个。

Faculty&Staff Development Opportunities:外国大学招聘老师开条件经常有这一项,包含的很多.组织老师去参加学术会议,学期结束的总结报告,学期初的工作安排会议,请人做报告什么的。目的是提高老师的水平。应该翻译成教员培训活动