陈独秀的《新青年》当时英文是如何翻译这个刊名的?难道是NEW YOUTH吗?我查到了原刊,只有法语名。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:37:16

就是 New Youth:

Chen Duxiu

From: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | Date: 2008 |
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright 2008 Columbia University Press.

Chen Duxiu or Ch'en Tu-hsiu , 1879-1942, Chinese educator and Communist party leader. In 1915 he founded the journal New Youth in Shanghai. Articles by Li Dazhao , Hu Shi , and others encouraged Chinese youth to create a new culture free from Confucianism. 。。。。。

只知道法语名叫La Jeunesse....

是,New youth,你可以尝试搜索他的英文简历。
