
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 20:22:18
Dancing for joy
With the recent release of their second album Don't Don, the South Korean boy band, Super Junior, are creating another wave of sensation(狂热)across Asia.
Han Geng, better known by his Korean name, Han Kyung, stands out more than any of the other 12-members in the band, because he is Chinese.
He is one of the three leading dancers in the group, but the 23-year-old had to overcome plenty of obstacles to make it as a singer in a foreign country.
Han was brought up in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang. Born with a talent for music and dancing, the boy from the Hezhen minority(赫哲族)went to Beijing at the age of 13 on his own to learn dancing. While studying at Central University for Nationalities, Han made every effort to learn the Chinese traditional dances from the 56 ethnic groups(民族)as well as martial arts and ballet.
Han was discovered in 2001 at the H.O.T. China Audition Casting, where his handsome looks and skillful dancing made him stand out from ov

随着最近SJ第二张专辑DON'T DON的发布,这支韩国男子组合再一次在亚洲掀起了一阵狂潮。中国籍成员韩庚(韩语中称为HAN KYUNG)以其外籍身份,在队伍中显得更为突出。他是队伍中三大领舞之一,虽然只有23岁,但是由于在异国发展,必须克服许多困难。韩庚在黑龙江省牡丹江市长大,天生就有过人的音乐舞蹈才华。这个赫哲族的男孩独自来到北京的时候只有13岁。在韩庚就读于中央民族大学时,他非常用功地学习中国56个少数民族的传统舞蹈,以及武术和芭蕾。
