
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:21:07
题目:假如你是王英 将于今年8月参加国际中学生夏令营 你将寄宿在纽约的Mr White家里 请你给你的寄宿家庭发一个电子邮件 介绍一下自己的情况 包括性别 年龄 家庭情况 就读学校及爱好等

18 独生女 就读于重庆市第十八中学
爱好:唱歌 看书 再随便写点什么爱好都可以

Dear White,

Hello,I am Yin.Wang who come from Chongqing No.18 middle school, as I joined the international summer camp of high school students and that made me knew I will take up my lodgings in your family, it’s very glad for me. Here, I would like to show you the interests of mine, I am fond of singing, reading, sports and so on. By the way, I am a girl who is at age of 18, at school I have hard learning all the time that my parents are always proud of their only daughter, I feel there are many things which I want to tell you, but it’s hard to say over in a short while.
Finally, I just want to say that I am looking forward to that extremely.

All the best,
Sincerely yours,

Dear Mr White ,
I , named Huangying , am a senior student of the 18th middle shcool in Chongqing city , China . I am fond of singing and reanding , and I'd also to take jogging in the moring and join a family outdoor pinic on sunshine sundays . I a