
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:53:32
国际运输时间要长于美国国内的运输物流时间.我们保证货物在6-12天内到达并尽我们最大努力缩短运输时间.所以在给予评价中的Shipping time那一项请不要给个低分,谢谢!

Please note that international shipping takes longer than shipping time within the United States. We guarantee that the merchandise will arrive between 6 to 12 days and will try our best to expedite the transportation time. We would appreciate it if you would refrain from giving us a low score with respect to "Shipping Time" in the comments sections.

International transport time longer than the United States of transport and logistics time. We guarantee that the goods arrive in 6-12 days and do our utmost to shorten the transportation time. Therefore, given the evaluation of Shipping time that a Please do not give a low score, thank you!