
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 13:35:35
作文要求;假如你是Jim,请你写一封信向你的朋友Tyler介绍乘夜船夜游活动,邀请他这个星期日早上七点一起参加夜游活动,告诉他在航行中可以做的事情,价格,起始地点,买票地点和方法,开头以写好;Dere Tyler, I'd like to tell you something about the ferry at night…在线等

Dear Tyler, I'd like to tell you something about the ferry at night, which is from fisherman wharf to Canary Wharf. In my perspective, it is a valuable opportunity for us to lift our spirits and making friends with other people. So many activities will be supported in the plan, including the barbecue on the board, the excited masquerade after the dinner and also the fishing in your leisure time. How nice the ferry it is! If you prefer to this advice, we meet at 7o’clock on Sunday morning. Additionally, shopping online is a convenient approach to buy the tickets, and the price is about 20 dollars. Come on, Tyler.just join us ,have fun there.