
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 04:36:56
那就是:前尘往事断肠诗 侬为君痴君不知


I love you but you never konw,and you also never know how the past tortured me, I just can show my emotion in this poem.

The stupid for the monarch monarch of inconsolable past events poem Nong is not aware of the past
意思是 过去的往事已经让人百般折磨,我为你痴狂你却不知道, 在现代来看多半是形容暗恋人的人当时的心情的。

Being Su Shi's poem meaning is past already all sorts past events harassment , I am that you are irrational you do not know but, person state of mind that time inspecting the greater part being to describe the dark sweetheart in modern times. Last two is "don't think that the world true meaning is few , the room is many infatuation from the ancients"


There is a love, called Chengquan
There is a love, called Chengquan
He first entered junior high school that year,哇哇大哭a wonderful reflection of her mother, she cried because of hunger, yet I do not know the pain of losing both parents. Come knocki