Spring Festival(中文)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 07:15:03



“春节” 中国人过的

As all know ,Spring Festival,lunner New Year! Is the most favorable holiday for us Chinese!With its colourful and rich traditions, It is celebrated almost in every part of China, Everyone is indulged in the dominant atmosphere of joyous faminly reunion and the fresh and vigorous look pelple greet the new year,

The celebrations vary from place to place ,but there are three traditions that have never differed throughtout the country,First, the New Year's Eve dinner is a symbol of faminly reunion with all faminly members sitting around the steaming table,tasting a variety delicious food and wishing each other health,success and happiness,Second, people ,during the holiday ,will visit each other to express their best regards and wishes. And finally ,we can enjoy marvelous lion and dragon dances symbolizing happiness , goos fortune and prosperity.

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