玛丽莲曼森 的Gothic予人一种看尽世间繁华的感受。是哪一首歌?有这一首吗?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 10:59:31
我很遗憾你的天空满是灰色, 你拿起刺刀想插进婴儿背脊?
我很遗憾你晴朗的周日像是支腐锈的钉子, 在十字架上断裂
我见到所有年轻的信徒们, 你的盲目观众
我见到所有年长的骗徒们, 我们只是唱着他们的歌.....
我很遗憾必须活着, 身不由己的生活
我为Booth和 Oswald感到遗憾, pinks和古柯碱
我很遗憾我去找一位渎职的神父, 并向他许下愿望
我见到所有年轻的信徒们, 你的盲目观众
我见到所有年长的骗徒们, 我们只是唱着他们的歌..... : "死亡村里, 我们全然自由, 你的神父, 你的监牢, 你的认知......"
我见到所有年轻的信徒们, 你的盲目观众.
我见到所有年长的骗徒们, 我们只是唱着他们的歌: "Nah nah nuh nah naaa nuh nah nah nah nooo"

Target Audience

Am i sorry your sky went black,Put your knives in babies backs?Am i sorry you killed the kennedy's and huxley too?

But i'm sorry shakespeare/Was your scapegoat/And your apples sticking into my throat/Sorry your sunday smiles are rusty nails/And your crucifixion commercials failed/But i'm just a pitiful anonymous

And i see all the young believers/Your target audience/I see all the old deceivers/We all just sing their song/

Am i sorry to be alive/Putting my face in the beehive?
Am i sorry for booth and oswald, pinks and cocaine too?

I'm sorry you never check/The bag in my head for a bomb/And my halo was a needle hole/I'm sorry i saw a priest being beaten/And i made a wish/But i'm just a pitiful anonymous

And i see all the young believers/Your target audience/I see all the old deceivers/We all just sing their song/We all just sing their song

"the valley