
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 12:29:43


There are some primary causes of this kind of phenomenon.First of all, the quantity of homework is too large and the homework is too difficult. Secondly, students are lazy and they pay no interest in the homework. Lastly, they only do the homework to please teachers.(first of all, secondly and lastly 更好)
I feel it is not right for students to copy each others work(这样更casual 一点. It breaches schools' disiplines. As a student, it is important to be honest, hardworking.Students should help each other when they have any difficulties(这样更地道一点)

2,The one I like best among letters, cell phones, computers is cell phones. This is because nowaday cell phones include the basic functiong of both letter and computers. Also, it is small, elaborate and portable. People feel comfortable to hold them in hands.


(一)Presents this kind of phenomenon the primary cause to have three points: First, the work requirement is big, is difficult; Second, the student is