跪求escape to the star这首歌的中文歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:53:42


Cinema Bizarre -Escape To The Stars 逃到太空去

I'm sick and tired of this so-called life 我厌倦了所谓的生活
Without room to breathe 没有呼吸的空间
I toss and turn in my bed all night 一整夜,我在床上辗转反侧
Am I the only one who finds no peace? 我是唯一找不到平静的人吗?

What are you waiting for? 你还在等什么?
What are you waiting for? 你还在等什么?

Escape to the stars 逃到太空去
Feeling so free 感觉是如此自由
Just you and me 只有你和我
Escape to the stars 逃到太空去
Chasing a dream 追逐梦想
All that we need is to believe 我们需要做的就是去相信
Escape to the stars 逃到太空去

I've always been the one to speak my mind 我一向想什么就说什么
Strove against the stream 与潮流抗争
Take on the system or leave it behind 随波逐流还是远离潮流
And yo