来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 03:10:02

闪客快打5密集:瞬移:Andy Law is a super hero!
加钱:I am Andy Law's fans!
加血:I go to bbplayer,net everyday!
加同伴经验值:Andy Law is a super great game maker!
骇客帝国模式 is the best flash game web!

加满生命值: I love Andy Law

加7发子弹: Andy Law loves me

到第2关: Andy Law go to stage 2

到第3关: Andy Law go to stage 3

到第4关: Andy Law go to stage 4

瞬间移动Andy Law is a super hero!
加钱I go to everyday!
加血I am Andy Law's fans!
加同伴经验值Andy Law is a super great game maker!
骇客帝国模式(全部跳得很高) is the best flash game web!

瞬移:Andy Law is a super hero!
加钱:I am Andy Law's fans!
加血:I go to bbplayer,net everyday!
加同伴经验值:Andy Law is a super great game maker!
骇客帝国模式 is the best flash game web!

闪客快打5秘籍:瞬移:Andy Law is a super hero!
加钱:I am Andy Law's fans!
加血:I go to bbplayer,net everyday!
加同伴经验值:Andy Law