
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 07:38:02
这样省去了孩子大脑中英汉或汉英的思维模式。直接用英语去思维。T.P.R教学法一开始即完全以英语授课,100%完全英语环境,凭借丰富的肢体语言、实物教具、图片等,让孩子充分了解英语的意思。不需中翻英、英翻中,却能使完全没学过英语的学生了解每句语的意思。学生不需要背单词、语法,也不用课本,教学以活用英语为导向。按听、说、读、写的次序均衡发展训练,使学生的英语应用能力具完整性。学生每堂课约80%的时间参与练习,以精读方式达到母语人士使用英语时流利的应用能力之学习效果。在学习过程中,孩子不必因背单词及语法产生巨大的压力。因为T.P.R乃依据人类学习母语的自然过程而设计,学习者将可在训练有素的教师指导下,轻松、愉快地学习英语。 T.P.R教学法使孩子打下扎实的英语基础,使他们拥有比别人更强的实力,可轻松面对未来,不论是升学或就业上的各项挑战,经过T.P.R教学法的训练,记忆特别深刻,受用一生

This saved the brain child of English-Chinese or Chinese-English mode of thinking. Directly to thinking in English. TPR start teaching entirely in English, 100% complete English environment, with a rich body language, physical aids, pictures, etc., so that children fully understand the English meaning. Without in turn Britain, the British turned in, but never learned the English language will enable students to fully understand the meaning of every phrase. Students do not need to back words, grammar, no textbooks, teaching and learning to use English-oriented. By listening, speaking, reading and writing the order of the balanced development of training, so that the English proficiency of students with integrity. Each class of students about 80% of the time to participate in exercises to intensive approach to achieve the use of mother tongue English fluent application ability of learning. In the learning process, the children do not have to back words and grammar due to huge pressure