
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 20:39:04
用英文翻译: 我的英语说的不是太精练,只是初学者,如果哪里有说错了的地方请不要见笑,若能帮我指点出来,那更感谢.


My English is not really good,I'm just a beginner to learn English,if I made any mistakes please don't laugh at me,hope you can correct it,I'll appreciate you.

i'm a beginner for speaking English, so please try not be so hard on me while i make some mistakes. However, i appriciate if u point out my falses and help me to correct them.

I can't express my feeling very well in English,I'm just a beginner.If I say something wrong,please forgive me.That would be very king of you to find out my mistakes.

My English is not too refined, but beginners, if where there is wrong, please do not place a laughing stock if help me pointing out, it also grateful.

My English is not so good.I'm just a abecedarian.
Perhaps I may make some mistakes.(后面那个见笑如果翻译成laugh at 感觉有贬义,所以我没有翻译)
I'll appreciate you so much if I can know how to correct it.