
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 17:08:17

Desperate Housewives
Mama Spent Money When She Had None
Airs: Sunday February 8, 2009

Bree reaps the success of her new book by treating herself to a new car, while Lynette and Tom resolve to sell his Mustang for some extra cash. Susan is determined to send MJ to the best school, even though she and Mike can't afford it. Meanwhile, Gaby joins Edie's no nonsense boot camp to get herself back into shape, and Lee is conflicted over whether to tell Lynette and Tom some disturbing facts about Dave.

Gossip Girl
Carnal Knowledge
Airs: Monday February 2, 2009

Blair comes up with a devious plan to take down her new teacher, Rachel. Chuck has no recollection of what happened to him when he wakes up in a hotel. Nate and Vanessa try to help Chuck fill in the missing pieces of his night.

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