
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 13:59:14
They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.
a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗?

这句不是复合句所以没有从句,They是主语, 'd had to wait是不及物动词作谓语 about 45 minutes 是状语after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.是介词短语作时间状语.

球赛后他们须等约45分钟,才能搭上出租车去郊区。主语是They谓语wait时间状语45minutes和after the end of the game 目的状语to get a cab ride to the suburbs