Decision support systems (DSS)帮忙翻译下!谢谢!新年交好运!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:52:27
Decision support systems (DSS)
Closely related to the MIS is the decision support system (DSS),a computer system that permits managers to call up whatever specific information they need whenever they need it. These systems allow managers to gain information in a less structured manner than from a traditional MIS. They assist a manager in formulating questions and gathering answers rather than in generating formal reports to answer the same questions for each period.
Human error the ever-increasing number of personal computers with decision-support software has proved a mixed blessing. In some cases, managers have made huge errors in projections because they forgot to enter some clement or did not check their work. The computer cannot compensate for human error, a fact people who rely on computers are liable to learn the hard way.
Executive information systems a new type of DSS is called an executive information system (or executive support system). This type of

密切相关的管理信息系统是决策支持系统( DSS ),计算机系统,使管理人员能够调用任何具体信息,他们需要在何时何地需要它。这些系统允许管理人员在获取信息的方式较少结构比传统的MIS系统。他们协助经理制定的问题和收集的答案,而不是正式的报告产生了相同的问题回答的每个时期。
