帮忙找几个中国和美国 以及中国和日本商务谈判的案例 英文版的 写论文用的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 13:38:57
最后是因为文化差异引起的谈判的结果不同 我的论文题目是“文化差异影响中美日谈判风格”

During the last three decades, China has changed its political policies to open
itself to foreign investment. With many foreign investors’ helps, China has made great
economic progress and has been emerging fast in the global marketplace. Since more
and more foreign enterprisers join the Chinese markets, many questions and problems
regarding to the issue of cross-cultural negotiation have been raised. Cross-cultural
negotiation has never been an easy task. A cross-cultural negotiation requires a mutual
understanding of culture differences and the practices of applied negotiation styles. This
study is to help Western business negotiators better understand Chinese negotiation
strategies and techniques, so they can develop appropriate strategies when negotiating
in China.
After China and Taiwan both became the members of World Trade Organization
(WTO) in year 2002, the importance of b