
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 03:50:55
1.She didn't go home but went_________to the sea.(为什么不选D?)
A.left B.direct C.right (答案) D.straightly

2.---Go for a picnic this weekend,OK?
----_______. love getting close to nature.(为什么不选B?)
A.I couldn't agree more(答案)
B.I'm afraid not
C.I believe not
D.I don't think so

3.---Will $ 200____?
-----I'm afraid not.We need at least 50 more dollars.(为什么不选B?)
A.count B.satisfy C.fit D.do(答案)

4.I send you 100 dollars today,the rest_____in a year.
A.follows B.followed C.to follow(答案) D.being followed

5.Time will____whether I made the right choice or not.
A.see B.say C.know D.tell(答案)

6.We want to rent a bus which can____40 people for our trip to Beijing.(为什么不选C?)
A.load B.hold(答案) C.fill D.support

7.---Johnson,there're a lot of chairs over there.Go and fetch___for me.
---Why____?Mike is sitt

1.A无稽之谈,B.directly C.right D.straight
2.后面有I lovegetting close to nature.中间没有转折词,所以前后是因果关系
3.这是口语用法,高考不会考satisfy后面要+宾语,比如satisfy your need
4.不定式有将来的意思,后面有in a year,完整的是the rest money will follow the 100 dollars,也是口语用法
5. tell表示辨别,比如Can you tell the difference between A & B ? 注意这里A应该也是正确的,表示时间见证(可能因为是具体时间才能用see,我不太清楚)。比如The 20th century saw the great achievement of human.
6.hold 表示容纳,比如The hall can hold 3000 people.fill是充满的意思,你应该说The bus is filled with 40 people.不能说can fill,而且fill是一种特定状态,不能代表一般状态。
7.Why me =Why it is me.这是很口语的用法。就是为什么是我?这里没有动词,只能死背了。

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