
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 23:54:13

in the past, many scholars has made a comprehensive research of the religious reform movements for a long time, including their causes, process ,results, as well as significant impacts on history

Once many scholars take reformation as object of study,such as the cause, how occurs to it, consequences, as well as the profound historical influence and so on many aspects has done the omnidirectional long-term thorough research

Many scholars have past with religious reform as the research object, the cause of its occurrence, the process and results, and profound historical effect such aspects as omnibearing long-term in-depth research.

Many scholar of past had taken that the religious reform moves as object of study all once , a lot of aspect such as origin , course , result, and deep history effect happening to the person had assumed all-direction thorough long range go into.